How to Support Les Cheneaux Community Foundation
There are many ways you can work with the Les Cheneaux Community Foundation.
Be a Philanthropist
You may enjoy being a philanthropist during your lifetime by making gifts of cash, appreciated stock or real estate and receiving significant tax deduction. Because the Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity, all gifts have special tax benefits.
Create a Charitable Legacy
You may create a charitable legacy and reduce your estate taxes by making a provision for the Community Foundation in your will or estate plan.
Name the Foundation as a Beneficiary
It is also possible to name the Foundation as the beneficiary of a corporate giving program, life insurance policy, or qualified retirement plan, which can reduce both income and estate taxes that your beneficiaries would otherwise pay.
Giving Through Private Foundations
The Community Foundation can also provide giving opportunities to owners of private foundations.
You may designate the Foundation to receive the assets of an existing private foundation or trust, providing exit options from those arrangements, and reducing your tax and administrative costs.
Outright Gift
Cash or publicly traded securities, trust/pledges, appreciated stock. All qualify for maximum state and federal tax benefit.
Other Forms of Gifts
Under certain circumstances: closely held stock, real estate, tangible personal property, life insurance policies, partnership interests, annuities, and 401(k) proceeds.
A gift or portion of an estate which may greatly reduce federal and estate taxes.
Gift Annuity
Cash or property transfer for immediate tax benefits, and fixed payments for life.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Cash or Property placed in trust which pays an annual income for life. After death, the remainder trust transfers to the foundation and is placed in a charitable fund you select. Tax benefits occur the year the trust is established.
Charitable Lead Trust
Cash or property placed in a trust that pays a fixed amount to the foundation for the number of years selected. Afterwards, assets held by the trust are transferred to named beneficiaries. May substantially reduce federal gift and estate taxes.
Your Generosity Builds Our Community